Dining Services Student Hourly Employment Portal

Hire Me 2024

Apply to work for IU Dining and Hospitality in fall 2024 and participate in our Hire Me recruitment program!

Some of the benefits of participating in Hire Me include the following:

  • Move in early on August 16 and we'll pay your early arrival costs in the residence halls!
  • When you fill out the online application and commit to attending Hire Me training on August 17 and 18, you have a job!
  • You get a work schedule customized for you around your classes, set before the fall semester begins!
  • Attend in-person Hire Me training on August 16 and 17 and you get dedicated training time before you begin working!

Hire Me Bonus Program

IU Dining is offering part-time employees a special Hire Me bonus of up to $500.* The bonus will apply to any part-time employee hired through the IU Dining Hire Me program, who meets the bonus requirements.
* Additional monies are subject to income tax.

To collect $200 in October, qualifying employees must:

  • Attend "Hire Me" orientation
  • Attend all required "Hire Me" trainings
  • Work 16 hours during Welcome Week at their regular work location or at an assigned location, like a picnic or snack/water stations
  • Work through the month of September
  • Work continuously at assigned location without transfer request until the end of September.

To collect $300 in May, qualifying employees must:

  • Be hired by IU Dining and Hospitality prior to the end of September or be a returning employee, or be hired during the summer through the "Hire Me" program
  • Work at their assigned location(s) through the fall and spring semesters without a break in service
  • Have no more than three (3) unexcused absences each semester, have no "no calls" or "no shows", and have no written warnings or final written warnings on file with us
  • Work at least two (2) shifts during fall and spring finals weeks with no absences. A medical or personal emergency may be waived from this requirement.